Leon Ivanov Translations provides professional translators & interpreters for English, Russian, Ukrainian and German


Dr. (RU), Dipl.-Kfm.
Leon Ivanov
Translator & Interpreter

Main Languages
Russian, English, German

Memberships: BDÜ and TEKOM

We deliver Certified
Translations according
to DIN EN 15038,
DIN CERTCO Reg.-No. 7U057

Professional Translations

Computer, Software &
IT-related Translations

Science & Technology

Medical & Pharmaceutical
Technical Translations

Translations in
Business & Finance

How we accurately translate
Legal Documents & Records

Interpreting into
Russian and English

English-Russian Negotiations

Conference Interpreters

Simultaneous Interpretation for
Seminars and Training Courses

Russian Interpreters for
Fairs and Exhibitions

Private Interpretation for Visits at
Doctors, Courts & Notaries

Other Translation Services

Markets in Russia:
Software Localization

Certified Translations of
Russian Texts & Documents

Proofreading & Editing of
Russian Texts and Copy

Language Consultancy &

Writing - Desktop Publishing
Russian Internet

Für Russisch, Deutsch, Englisch, Ukrainisch: Übersetzer & Dolmetscher von Leon Ivanov Translations

Russian internet service - Desktop Publishing (DTP) services

So you really need to get on to the Russian Internet ?

Would you like to set up a Russian version of your website? This means translating each page and delivering them in an adequate format for a web designer or programmer to complete.

Do you need a new version of your product list, one which can be downloaded by potential Russian clients on the internet?

Do you need to adapt your web content to Russian culture but also need to have a brochure printed out as soon as possible?

Why not come to us and share your requests?

As translators and interpreters, we can offer the language skills and know-how to address the Russian market. In addition, LEON IVANOV TRANSLATIONS can provide Desktop Publishing (DTP) services, at your request, as a separate or additional service.

Leon Ivanov Translations  offers a Russian internet and a desktop publishing service

This means that you won't need to worry about the technical aspects of setting up your website, since our language professionals at LEON IVANOV TRANSLATIONS take care of the whole package.

We can work with any type of original document, regardless of the format, whether handwritten, typed or a format that is unsuitable for web pages. We will deliver your translation in the requested format without delay or hassle.

If you are looking to develop your web pages on the Russian internet, we can even give you a hand with our DTP services.

If you would like to know more about translations for the Russian internet or anything else, then you might want to follow our links to Russian dictionaries, lexicons and translation tools. You will also find a list of links to search engines, Russia and the CIS.